An in depth look at who DSJ really is.


Dylan Spenser Johnson - DSJ

I am Dylan Spenser Johnson, and "IamDSJ" represents my name, Dylan Spenser Johnson. From a young age, I have been captivated by cameras and have nurtured a profound interest in both photography and videography. As a child, I would excitedly experiment with my parents' cameras; I was drawn to the captivating power of visual storytelling and knew early on that I wanted to pursue photography.
Photography, to me, is not just about capturing images; it is an avenue through which I can uncover and portray the beauty of subjects in a distinctive and personal manner. While video and design also intrigue me, photography holds a special place in my heart and remains my primary focus. Nevertheless, my proficiency and zeal for video and design have certainly contributed to my overall skill set, propelling me to where I am today.